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Lentil Soup

Lentil Soup   Ingredients 4 cups vegetable stock 2 cups dried lentils 1 onion (sliced) 1 large carrot (sliced) 1 large celery stalk (sliced) 2 cloves (crushed) 1/4 cup chopped

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Tangy Tomato Soup

Tangy Tomato Soup Ingredients 2 tsp. MCT or olive oil 1 onion (diced) 2 cloves minced garlic 1 tbsp minced ginger (opt.) 3 cups tomatoes (cut up) 2 cup vegetable

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Potato Celery Soup

Potato Celery Soup   Ingredients 4 cups water 4 medium-sized sweet potatoes (peeled and diced) 1 medium stalk of celery(chopped) 1/4 cup butter 1 1/4  cup nutritional yeast 2 tbsp

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Beet and Carrot Soup

Beet and Carrot Soup This recipe combines beets and carrots to create a lovely crimson soup that is chock-full of nutrients that help prevent pancreatic cancer. Several studies have found

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Apple and Onion Soup

Apple and Onion Soup This recipe combines apples and onions, two of nature’s best sources of quercetin, a bioflavonoid that has strong anti-cancer properties. Studies have associated the consumption of

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Scandinavian Blueberry Soup

Scandinavian Blueberry Soup In Scandinavia, blueberry soup is a popular treat that can be served warm as an appetizer or chilled as a dessert. But the benefits of blueberry soup

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