Meet Our Warriors

These are stories of people bravely fighting against the odds after receiving a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer.
Life is precious, it is worth fighting for, and we want to help patients fight for more time with loved ones.

Meet Our Warriors

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His legacy will live on through the guitars ... but he will be remembered for his courage, tenacity, and generous nature.

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Dawn was recently nominated by her loving wife, Rebekah, who keeps Dawn’s memory and passion alive on a daily basis...

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Cary, just a few days shy of 73, was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer in August of 2015. He was nominated as a Warrior by his son, Scott.

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Bruce was recently nominated as a warrior by his daughter, Amy. Amy writes, “My dad was diagnosed in January 2015 and was given

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Our warrior of the month for March was nominated by his loving niece, Katie. Joe, aged 59, was diagnosed on December...

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This is John's story told by his daughter Dawn. John never had any significant health problems and his only complaint...

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Linda was diagnosed with Stage 2 pancreatic cancer in September of 2015. She was determined eligible for the Whipple procedure and had...

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David Betances was nominated by his wife, Yaneyra, who along with friends and family, are passionately keeping David’s...

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Meet Cindy, a vibrant mother of three, who is both hopeful and determined to beat the odds. She was kind enough to share her story with us to inspire...

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In honor of our 10 year anniversary, NPCF reached out to Christina Parrish, an 11 year Pancreatic Cancer survivor and founder...

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I eventually went to the ER and was sent home, being told it was probably pneumonia. Three weeks later, I was again misdiagnosed ...

Nominate A Warrior

Is there someone you know that has fought pancreatic cancer?
Would you share the story?
The more we open a dialogue about what happens by sharing stories, the more we can come together as a community to help get better screening
and treatment options.